Monday, 25 May 2009

Chilling day ar Bradwell

Been a while since our last crew blog - apologies all, have had some internet issues - possibly both internet and user error, but hopefully these are sorting themselves out slowly. Simon, Dan and myself collected o
Our new crew (James (Jim-bob), Jamie (Wee Man), Steffi and Dan (Wee Dan)) on Thursday - great combination of names to have all on one boat - and with skipper and mate of Cath and Karen and our two volunteers of Dan M (Big Dan / Monkey) and Carolyn I wasn’t surprised when we started to get confused! Dinner over on Thursday and Uno came out - I do wonder how many legs the cards can take?
Chris Livett joined us again for the trip down the Thames to Sheerness, sadly there was not too much sailing done due to a shortage of wind but at least it was a lovely sunny way to start the leg off with :-)
A very early start on Saturday morning - slightly earlier than planned as the boat we had rafted up next too was off then - just meant we got to Bradwell earlier and got to sort things out before the high ropes course in the evening!!! Think this pleased Wee Dan in particular who was hugely excited about coming to Bradwell.
Many laughs on the high ropes course - with some huge leaps especially from James who would not be defeated - and was not either on the 2nd attempt!!!
Much to everyone’s disappointment a huge lack of wind (why couldn’t we have harvested some of the wind we had blowing a hooley 2 weeks ago?) meant no dinghy sailing (sorry Sarah for having to pack all Dan’s dinghy stuff for him not to use it!), so it was out in the ribs for a bit of a blast and trip to Mersey Island for ice creams. Most interesting on the pier too - so many people crabbing - I have never been crabbing and I was so surprised at how many crabs people had caught and wondered what they did with them (they were after all a tad small for eating!). So I have since been informed that they generally get thrown back in - Im guessing the crabs are now quite wise to this and are quite happy to eat what people drop down on lines, get brought to the surface for some sunlight and then dropped back down to the depths - only for it all to start again - I think they’re pretty well fed! Wwe ll we’re all off to shoot some arrows now so until next time. Laters Karen

Today has been a brill day we had to get up at 8 o’clock to go on the ribs ready for half 9 The ribs were real good fun we went real fast at 25 knots which was really fast and dan james and Cath had to hold on really tight as i was steering =] we stopped of at mercy island and we all got an ice cream and a cafe called black pearl strawberry was the best =P after we came back to Bradwell and caroline and i made sandwhiches for the rest of the crew we had cheese,ham,chicken,lettice,tomato and salami a bit of a wierd combination a little while after me and jamie played a game of uno and then Cath joined us and we all played frustration. i won =] a short while after dan, wee dan, james,and jamie and i went on to do archery which was pretty cool it was a real good laugh Big Dan and Wee Dan and James all got the bulls eye. we are all now back in the boa and all helping out to clean the boat Soon we are going to play some outdoor games like football cricket and parachuting fun Stuff =] Steffi

today has been absolutely amazing . the weather is great the ribs were great the archery was great its been a great day. the ribs got up to 25 knots and i drove. we got ice cream yum :) i had a good night sleep last night and a nap today it was nice :):):) James

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